wtorek, 19 września 2006

Day Four (preseason camp)

A lot of good news broke out in the morning of day four. Firstly, both Dustin Brown and Tim Gleason signed to very reasonable (though two-year only) contracts. As it turned out later in the day, Brown will make 2,35 mln over the next two years, while Gleason was priced at a little bit more than 2,0 mln.

(photo: Tim Gleason)

While they are not exactly
Alex Frolov type of contracts (four years at two million each), I believe they are fair for both sides, the club and the players. In two years time, we'd have a six million yearly coming off the books due to the completion of Rob Blake's contract and the Kings will be in a supposedly for now convenient situation to give both of these young players the money they would deserve with their play in the meantime.

Another good news regards the comebacks of
Alyn McCauley (knee) and Lauri Tukonen (shoulder hurt last season) to on-ice practise and probably a preseason game against the Sharks tomorrow morning my time. All in all a good day. And here's a look at the training camp crimmage lines and pairings (all info thanks to LGK, again):

Team Murphy
28 Clarke......... 11 Kopitar........ 24 Frolov
29 Kostopoulos.... 19 Avery.......... 43 Jackman
41 Ivanis......... 73 Zeiler......... 67 Murphy
72 Henderson...... 52 Gauthier....... 34 Hogeboom

56 Ryan........... 04 Blake
06 Gleason........ 68 Werner
64 Greenan........ 38 Dallman

35 LaBarbera
32 Brust

Team Goring
13 Cammalleri..... 22 Conroy......... 12 O'Sullivan
70 Moulson........ 25 Belanger....... 48 Kanko
55 Roussin........ 62 Korchinski..... 71 McLaren
15 Cowan.......... 61 Lewis.......... 58 Meckler

47 Mormina........ 03 Miller
49 Harrold........ 37 Buckley
42 Schmidt........ 57 Nolan

31 Garon
01 Munce
33 Fukufji

Game One
PS - TM - Gauthier.. - missed penalty shot
01 - TG - Belanger.. - (unknown)
02 - TM - Frolov.... - (Kopitar) - 24:00
03 - TG - Schmidt... - (unknown) - 19:30
PS - TG - Mormina... - missed penalty shot
PS - TG - Conroy.... - missed penalty shot - 05:22
PS - TG - Cammalleri - missed penalty shot - 04:00
04 - TM - Frolov.... - scored penalty shot - 02:59
05 - TM - Greenan... - scored penalty shot - 00:49.6

Team Murphy won Game One 3-2

Game Two
01 - TG - O'Sullivan - (unknown) - 29:19
02 - TG - Conroy.... - (Cammalleri) - 20:03
PS - TG - Roussin... - missed penalty shot - 15:12
03 - TG - Mormina... - scored penalty shot - 10:15
04 - TM - Gleason... - (unknown) - 04:25
PS - TM - Hogeboom.. - missed penalty shot - 03:23

Team Goring wins Game Two 3-1


TG - Fukufuji
TM - Brust

TM - Frolov.... - missed
TG - Conroy.... - poke checked away
TM - Kopitar... - save
TG - Cammalleri - score
TM - Clarke.... - missed
TG - Belanger.. - score
TM - Avery..... - save

Team Goring wins